Here’s my photo diary from today, the 25th of December.
I was particularly looking forward to this as I hadn’t spent Christmas
with my mom and dad and my uncle since 1991!
Please sit back and enjoy as I show you my day.
Everything ready?
Let’s see…..
Is the Christmas tree in the entrance hall? Check.

Is the wreath hanging in the living room window? Check.

Can’t quite see that wreath?
Here’s a better view.

Is the table set? Check.
Gosh, this was ready 24 hours ahead of time!
Mom sure knows how to organize!

Morning of the 25th.
Who is actually preparing for the feast?
Mom in busy at the stove cooking.
Dad is boiling some water for his mid-morning tea.
Where am I?
I’m taking the photos!

Table set. Food prep done.
Even the coffee cups are already set out!
Time for Mom to relax!
AND put up her legs, if only for a few minutes.
Here she is, catching up on the news, waiting for the guests to arrive.

And here we are, finally at the table!
And here is the food!
Patiently waiting are Dede Vytas, Ponia Kristina, Tetis, and Ponia Birute.
Mom’s not in the photos.
She’s in the kitchen fetching more plates of food.
Am I helping?
I’m taking the photos!

Here Mom is back from the kitchen, making room for more food on the table.

On your marks, get set, GO!!!
Time to dig in!
Oh, but wait, here’s a close-up of the duck à l’orange before we begin.
Someone’s hand is already reaching in there, anxious to start!

A bit of frantic food passing!
(That’s why the photo is out of focus. My hands were shaking from hunger pangs.
I was too quick taking the photos, worried I was going to be left with nothing.)

No photos of the empty plates. I don’t think you care to see that anyway.
Have we finished eating?
Well, no, not quite.
Time for the death+by+chocolate +cream+butter+sugar dessert.
(May I add that it was a probably a good idea you’ve scheduled that appointment
to check your cholesterol levels BEFORE Christmas.)

Can you see what is there in the middle of the table?
It is a Bûche de Noël.
Baked and decorated by moi.
You see, I DID do something other than take a few snapshots.
Boy, was the food delicious and the conversation entertaining!
Thanks everyone!!!
The best present of all: your presence!
Lots of Love and Buckiai,
P.S. Sorry about the excessive use of exclamation points!
I really did have a great time so how else can I show my smiling face if not with loads of exclamations!!!!!!!
P. P.S. Did you like this diary? Yes? No? Did YOU eat lots and lots on Christmas day?
Let me know! Write something down in the comment box below! Pretty please 🙂