For there is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.
Rosie said it best: “We CAN do it!”

Darkness into Light. But did you know that Devi means Goddess?!?
I’ve been silent.
I felt squashed.
Surrounded by traumatic events, I retreated and did nothing. (Tell me I’m not the only one?)
January 2017 to January 2021 has been burdomsome.
*cough* *cough *ahem* To say the least.
Dark. Very dark. Special mention goes to the year 2020.
(Why do we say 20/20 vision when 2020 was anything BUT perfect?)
Will we finally be able to BREATHE? Sleep? Eat? (Me, eat? Thank you, yes, I have been eating. Ok, ok, hello Little Sumpthin’ IPAs that taste of grapefruit and Restaurant Style Corn Chips in the artisan looking brown paper bag. I can hardly zipper up my colorful hand embroidered jeans anymore. ¡Viva los sweatpants! Right?!) (And for those who haved been able to breathe, literally!, I see you: George Floyd and all the victims of police brutality and victims of COVID19. My heart breaks and bleeds for you.)
What a beautiful name!
And did you know her middle name is Devi?
(“Devi” means goddess! Did you know??!?)
Isn’t this a good sign? (Ok, so I don’t believe in conspiracies but hey, it’s fun to indulge sometimes in the beliefs about good omens, right?)
Ah. Yes, I do remember back in the olden days of the beginning of start of pandemic life… Yet another f***ing thing to piss me off royally (goddess-ly?) was Biden’s nomination. (Another old white dude? “Seriously, folks?!?”, I shouted on FaceBook to anyone who’d listen. ) Yet we didn’t have 20/20 vision back then, so who knew? Biden’s nomination ended up being the best choice. For this moment in history, anyway. So, yeah, I love you, Elizabeth Warren but, hey, all’s good really, you’re doing great in the Senate and I can’t wait until TOMORROW!!!! <3
JANUARY 20TH, 2021
Goodbye darkness!
Helloooooo LIGHT!