This Crisis. With a capitol “C”.
(You did know? Or perhaps not? That Corona means Crown?)
It wears a Crown like a disgustingly brutal dictator!
A king dick, in other words. Totally sucks, right??!!! I HATE dickheads!
A king dick, in other words. Totally sucks, right??!!! I HATE dickheads!
Or perhaps this Crown is more like a big-hearted benevolent regal ruler who uses her powers to bestow LOVE onto all her living creatures?
Yes. This Crisis we are in. With a capital C. What a Cunt!
It sucks. BIG TIME.
This coronavirus will not be kind….
And yet…
I can’t help but think…
Isn’t this dreadful event forcing us to sloooow the heck down,
helping us to think,
to really think, to just SIT for a moment….(at least while on the toilet, if nowhere else…) and be present….?
Isn’t this crisis forcing us to think about Gratitude? (With a capital “G”!)
To be grateful for what we DO have , instead of what we DON’T have? (Toilet paper…*ahem*?)
Isn’t it forcing us to really think about our lives and what is truly important to us?
Is this guckung* coronavirus a perverted way to force us into being kind and gentle with Mother Earth? And with each other?
Did you know that the air pollution in northern Italy and in Wuhan, China has DRASTICALLY improved??? Crazy good, huh? Silver lining?
Have you had a chance to think and reflect?
I am still very shocked and angry and upset and worried and swearing and in denial, “This is not happening!” .
I am still very shocked and angry and upset and worried and swearing and in denial, “This is not happening!” .
My friends on facebook say, “Hey, Indre, don’t be so stressed!”
You know what?
I’m feeling at peace.
I am not stressed. I am at peace.
And I feel LOVED. And, in turn, I LOVE.
And isn’t THAT what our whole existence is all about anyway????!!!??!!!!
Hey, WAIT, before you go…
Did you realize that Crown / Corona also means Garland?
How can I not but show you a picture of my best of bestie BFF friends for whom I am forever grateful?
With whom I wore Garlands!
With whom I share LOVE: <3 <3 <3
It is indeed a time to be thankful. Thankful for so many things.
I’ve been smiling all day today! (Unusual for me on a grey, cloudy day…with such depressing news to boot). I think it’s the love