Serendipity Strikes -or- The Return of the Great Goddess
EL OOO VEE EEE spells….
Hello my dearest, loveliest goddess,
Words are inadequate to convey how I feel.
Right now.
And how I have been feeling for the past 5 months.
During the Winter of My Tears.
Today is different.
The sun is shining! It is warm! My tears are gone! (Momentarily, anyway.)
The Winter of My Tears has paved the way for the Spring of My Smiles.
(I know it isn’t spring yet, officially, but the weather has been so incredibly balmy this year where I live. Shrubs are budding, the buds are blooming, the birdies are chir-chirping. I’d love for you to be here and experience this warmth with me now.)
Brooding and philosophizing had taken up much of my time during The Winter of My Tears.
What conclusion have I come up with after all that thinking?
Here’s the little poem I wrote about it.
(Because who doesn’t enjoy a corny love poem on Valentine’s Day, right? 😉 )
Love is the Most.
Love is the Only.
Love is the Everything Answer.
Will you say Yes to Love?
Happy Valentine’s Day, my goddess!
Love to you today and everyday,
<3 Indre
P.S. I hope you are spending today immersed in love,
being in love with life,
doing what you love,
being in love with those around you.
How am I spending my day?
Doing what I love!
Embroidering in the sunlight.
And not hurrying to do the dishes after enjoying a leisurely breakfast
of home-made oatmeal with Spanish black walnuts,
dried cranberries, muscatel raisins and rice milk!
How will you be spending the day?
Don’t be shy. Let me know your answer in the comment box below!
Double your followers. In Paris!
Paris is always a good idea.
Especially if you’re hungry.
So let’s brush up on our French first.
(And then go eat some french fries to calm our hunger pains.)
La Cigale et la Fourmi
La Cigale, ayant chanté
Tout l’été,
Se trouva fort dépourvue
Quand la bise fut venue :
Pas un seul petit morceau
De mouche ou de vermisseau.
Elle alla crier famine
Chez la Fourmi sa voisine,
La priant de lui prêter
Quelque grain pour subsister
Jusqu’à la saison nouvelle.
“Je vous paierai, lui dit-elle,
Avant l’Oût, foi d’animal,
Intérêt et principal. ”
La Fourmi n’est pas prêteuse :
C’est là son moindre défaut.
Que faisiez-vous au temps chaud ?
Dit-elle à cette emprunteuse.
– Nuit et jour à tout venant
Je chantais, ne vous déplaise.
– Vous chantiez ? j’en suis fort aise.
Eh bien! dansez maintenant.
-by Jean de LA FONTAINE (1621-1695) (hey, like, that’s +300 years ago, you guys!)
Didn’t understand a word?
No problem!
Here. I’ve faithfully translated it for you:
Cindy Cicada and Miss Ant
Cindy Cicada, after having sung
her heart out
all summer long,
found herself
positively famished.
A chilly wind whipped around
the corner of State & Lake,
sending shivers down her spine
and makin’ her tummy go rumbly.
She hopped on the “L“,
boarded the Brown Line,
got off at Irving Park,
plodded the half-mile to her two-flat,
unlocked the door to her Apt. #1C rental,
bee-lined straight for the kitchen,
opened the fridge,
and peered inside.
“I spy with my little eye…..nothing.
Oh, wait! I see something green
in that Mason jar on the bottom shelf.”
Cindy took a sip.
And spit it out real quick.
“Eeeeeeww. YUCK. Gross.
Musta been that green smoothie
I made way back in May
(and musta forgot to finish)
before summer started.”
Quick as a cricket,
she hopped over
to Apt. #1A across the hall.
“Heya, Miss Ant, high five!
Whacha doin’?
Long time no see!
Got a bite for poor lil’ ole me?
I’m staaaaarving!
Got any of those yummy kale chips?
How ’bout some quinoa salad?
No? Nothing? Nada?
OK. Hmmm. Uh.
Could you spare me some dimes then?
I’ll just pop down to the street
to get us some tacos and green tea lattes.
How about it? Say yes!
Pretty please, Miss Ant?
With raw sugar on top?
I’ll pay you back before June.
August at the latest!”
promised Cindy Cicada to Miss Ant,
“Cross my heart, hope to die,
scout’s honor, pinky promise,
and all that jazz, ya know?
“Neither a borrower nor a lender be“,
retorted Miss Ant.
“I’ll even pay you interest!”
countered Cindy.
“I’ve got a question for you, Ms. Cicada.
Just what exactly were you doing
all season long when you’ve been gone?
Weren’t you supposed to be out looking
for a job over summer vacation?”,
Miss Ant interrogated Cindy Cicada.
“Um, ah, I was following my passion,
ya know, Miss Ant!
Ya see, I’ve got a song
inside me and
I’d sing it in the morning,
I’d sing it in the evening
all over this land,
to every person who’d come my way!”
“You were singing?
Yes. OK. Alright. I see.”
said Miss Ant sternly.
“I am so very happy for you.
Well, then, why don’t you
go and dance?
With the stars?
Just don’t be deluded
into thinking
you’ll be chosen for
America’s Got Talent.”
List of Characters:
Miss Ant
A financial adviser who regularly shuffles papers 9-to-5 plus overtime and week-ends.
Appears weekly on CNN Special Insect Hour.
During her down time, she is a successful de-clutter lifestyle blogger whose informative articles have been published by the New Yuck Times, Huffingbug Post, and Respidery29.
Wakes up at 4:45 a.m. to tread on her Step Master and write +2000 words in her book before heading out to work.
Favorite foods: Kale chips, mango spinach smoothies, and chocolate caramel sauce.
Biggest Confession?: Devours entire boxes of Dunkin’ Donuts in one sitting when no one is looking.
Cindy Cicada
Multi-passionate entrepreneur who sings acapella
while weaving, felting, and tap dancing.
Crochets golf stick covers in her spare time.
Enthusiastically collects heirloom recipes.
Wears her sponge bob pajamas all day long.
Loves to snuggle with her pug named Unicorn.
Big fan of Barbie’s instagram.
Favorite foods: Red Hot Chili Pepper Flavored Dark Chocolate Ice Cream.
Oh, and of course, Hulk Pancakes.
Biggest Confession: Spends Sundays
(and most Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesdays and sometimes Saturday nights)
on pinterest searching #Anthofave.
What a pity these two lovely goddesses have nothing in common.
Or do they?
Let’s see:
Miss Ant thinks Ms. Cicada should act like an adult
once and for all
and get herself a real job.
As for herself, Miss Ant secretly admits
to feeling constantly stressed out
but, hey, “no pain, no gain”
is her motto.
She’s been worried lately
about her blog readership
and is keen to learn the secrets of
doubling her followers on FB, twitter,
Instagram, Linkedin, YouTube, Google+,
and Periscope.
Oh, and especially on her blog.
Cindy Cicada thinks Miss Ant works
at a soul sucking job
and will regret her dull life
on her deathbed.
As for herself, Cindy secretly admits
that her vision boards
and tapping
aren’t exactly
having money appear
miraculously in her bank account.
She feels confused.
She knows she should monetize her voice skills.
But how?
Perhaps she should begin by learning how to
double the followers on
her (*ehem* kinda lame and boring) blog?
How about you?
Are you feeling stressed in your 9-to-5 like Miss Ant?
Are you feeling confused like Ms. Cindy Cicada?
Are you hungry for some blogging advice?
Do YOU want to double your followers while in Paris?
(Ok, I didn’t really mean Paris. I meant on your blog. Because doesn’t everyone write about Paris on their blog?!)
Never fear, April is here!!!
“How can that be”, you ask, “if it’s still September?”
Because April is not a month.
April is a faery-god-mother-good-witch-of-the-east-of-Blacksburg!
And she’s here with some darn good ol’
solid put-it-into-action-straight-away advice.
Amazing April is teaching on CreativeLive
so that Miss Ant, Cindy Cicada, and me (and you, too!)
could learn the secret to to doubling our readership followers.
Let the show begin!
Deets on the who/what/where/when/how/& why:
“This post is a part of the Double Your Followers blog tour
to spread the word about April Bowles-Olin’s upcoming CreativeLive course.
Does hearing the word ‘marketing’ make your armpits start to drip with anxiety?
Are you terrified of sounding salesy or like you have the personality of a dead blowfish?
If so, come join me and 2,500+ entrepreneurs who’re taking
April’s latest CreativeLive course, Double Your Followers with Creative Marketing.
You can RSVP and watch for FREE.
Yep, free.
High fives, wildflowers, wine samples.
Who doesn’t love free?”
Are you going?
Tell me in the comments below!
So we could pass each other notes during class.
Wait, you really want to just double your followers in Paris?
No prob, my beautiful goddess!
Wear these eye-poppin’ fuchsia/bubblegum pants and you’ll really get a following!
How was your summer?
What did you do over summer vacation, my lovely goddess?
I wonder if elementary teachers still assign kids to write an essay entitled “What I did over summer vacation”.
Mine no longer go to the little-kid-school so I don’t know the answer to that.
Here’s what I did.
(Other than moan about the heat…..)
OK, I admit. It wasn’t exactly holiday & margarita time.
Not for me anyway.
Was it for you?
Did you go anywhere exciting? Tell me about it!
I *tried* to work but boooyyyyy was it HOT this summer! (There I go complaining about the heat again.)
I spent more time sweating and thinking that I *should be* working than actually working.
If you’ve ever lived in a hot climate sans A/C,
then you’ll know exactly that a human body feels
like a stick of butter sitting out on a hot city street.
Ahhh, yes, but today autumn is now in full swing and the weather couldn’t be more perfect!
My brain is finally functioning and I am finally able to post a bunch of photos with a clear mind.
Here goes, my lovelies!
First of all, to keep track of time, I took this photo of my front window in the very beginning of spring. (Right, I know this is supposed to be about summer, not spring! Remember this photo. There will be a quiz question about this later. 😉 )
Pretty, huh? I love the view, too!
What you see below is a rough draft . Instead of making sketches, I often jump right in and try to create what is in my mind, while praying that my fingers stay nimble and cooperate. I was toying with the idea of being able to carry a small vial of perfume around like a necklace.
The project still needs a lot more tweaking. This may be a future collaboration with a perfume maker. But sshhhh, don’t tell anyone. It is still a secret!
Next stop: a trip to the farmer’s market! I’ve lived here so many years and I still loooove going to buy the freshest and finest fruit and veggies at the weekly outdoor market. I didn’t take my camera with me this time but here’s what I brought home.
Summer in July: nectarines and melon.
This Spanish melon is named “Piel de Sapo”. A very unappetizing name for one of the most delicious summer fruit of all time! What’s the translation? Toad Skin Melon. Yuck or Yum?!
Here’s the bounty from a different day:
August bounty: 3 different types of plums, cantaloupe melon, and black grapes.
(Can you guess we love to eat fruit around here?)
After getting a nice, healthy sugar rush from all that fruit, my work / play time began.
I made some bags.
They are made of linen, my imagination, and interesting tidbits from my overflowing collection of “cool stuff that I can’t throw out yet”.
Doesn’t this bag look adorable sitting on my sofa next to the new cushion covers? ( I also made the cushion covers this summer out of Lithuanian linen because the old ones were all sad and bedraggled.)
See that painting? Too bad you can’t see the whole thing here. My uncle is an artist. He made it. This is definitely the most precious piece of art I own. I’ll have to take more photos of it another day. In the meantime, you can see more paintings by Vytautas O. Virkau here.
This is the other side of the green linen bag.
Here’s a completely different bag with views of the Spanish sand, blue sky, and golden sun.
Long live the summer!
Here are all the summer flowers blooming on the other side of that bag.
Here’s the inside of the bag. Lots of pockets and more flowers!
Sometime between the fruit shopping and the bag-making, a blue moon came and went.
I was inspired to take some photos and even write a teeny poem.
Can you see the words “Here Now” in there???
Time for a completely different project.
Here I am dying a vat of linen. This kind of activity is best done outside.
Good thing I lack no outdoor space!
Hot boiling water on a hot summer day.
Way to go, Indre!
Pot of gold!
Drying in the summer sun. It should actually have been in the shade but I didn’t have enough of that! In any case, it dried within minutes so the lovely fabric wasn’t out in the sun very long.
I decided to name this color “Golden Sands of Sahara”. Beautifully luscious, don’t you think?
And now it is time to make a dress out of the lovely linen. Here is it laid out and already cut in my sewing studio.
(This is the time of year when the name “sweat shop” was a very apt description of this place.)
Oh, in case you are wondering. Yes. Those are stones. Real stones. From the beach.
I use stones as weights when cutting my fabric. Very handy!
Now I am sewing a bit of bias tape that goes in the dress.
In case you are a sewer and are curious to know: I’m using a special attachment that magically turns a strip of fabric into bias tape.
I’ve nick-named my old industrial Singer “Old Faithful”.
I was in a hurry to get the beautiful dress sent off to my client, so I didn’t take a photo! Oh, well! It really looked stunning in that golden color. As I was packing it up, I could just picture it being worn together with a chunky honey-colored amber necklace.
I don’t know what kind of necklace my client wore with the dress but I know she does have very dark hair. This golden color must look stunning on her!
Since I can’t show you photos of that other dress,
here’s one I took of the sample dress in ivory linen.
Next I made another one in black linen. Here’s the linen laid out on the table before cutting.
Another favorite tool of mine. A hand-sized cutter.
I didn’t take a photo of the finished jacket before shipping it out to my client but here’s one from before.
And now for something completely different.
Ideas on my jewelry-making table.
View of the entire desk top. OMbejesus. Yeah, it IS a mess! *yikes*
(Please note that I do not usually allow people to see this. )
I have at least a 458 ideas laid out on this desk. All at the same time!
Here I had to clear some space and make a bunch of sterling silver earrings that got sent out to a quaint gift shop in North Carolina. If you are ever in North Carolina,
make sure to stop by The Qi Garden.
“Hey, mom”, I hear my son say one fine summer morning. “”Could you help me take some photos of my donkey skull please”? (Say whaaaa…??? You are wondering what this is all about. Briefly, my son is a musician in a band called Donkey Hot Pink. To create the album cover for the band, he took an old cow skull, made donkey ears out of papier mâché, and painted it bright pink, black, and white. We had found that skull some years ago abandoned in the countryside and took it home. Can you tell we live in a crazy creative household?)
I took lots of photos that morning. Here are 2 of them.
We both decided that these photos weren’t exactly right, so we asked a professional photographer for his help. Here’s the clear winner:
photo by Rod Westwood
It was exactly what the band wanted! The album is due to be out soon. We are looking forward to that!
Time to eat!
It was too hot to cook many days so I’d often make smoothies instead of meals.
One of my favorite had frozen bananas, a mix of frozen berries, raw almonds, and rice milk.
Great color!
Yummy, healthy, and nutritious, too!
This is an Egyptian papyrus. I have lots of them in my garden.
I like the way a single one looks in a simple bottle and often have one on my big wooden table.
Did you know that the word “paper” comes from the word “papyrus”?
That’s because the ancient Egyptians first made paper using dried papyrus.
I love words and love learning curious facts like this. Don’t you?
More great food on a hot summer day. This time I prepared a salad and even baked some rye bread. I improvise when I make salad. Other than lettuce, this one had nectarines, red peppers, raisins, raw pumpkin seeds, and a sprinkling of candied ginger. My mouth waters just writing this and looking at the picture…..
The rye bread I baked.
Some of my friends say I should forget about fashion and become a professional chef.
I enjoy cooking (better yet, eating the result!) but prefer to treat it as a hobby.
Remember the very first photo up there?
Quiz time!
Can you spot the differences between the first photo and the one below?
The sun wanted to be in the photo, too!
First week of September. Here comes the rain! Finally, the hot spell was over. What a relief! I do love the summer but it was hotter and more humid this year than ever.
View of the teeny town of Mojacar up on the hill.
That’s it!
Did you like the visual journey?
Do you think I should continue making bags, jewelry, and dresses?
Or become a professional cook?
Let me know in the comments below!
Don’t forget to tell me a bit about your summer, too!
One Piece of Advice
I had just posted a link yesterday to an interview with Liz Gilbert (that I had been meaning to post about 6 months ago and never got around to it…) and voilà, whaddhya know, a brand new interview with her appeared on the world-wide-spiderweb immediately afterwards.
This reinforces my belief that ideas are “out there”, floating around, and it is up to us to know how and when to capture them.
If you have a secret desire to write a book, make art, play in a band, create perfume, dance, and somehow *never* get around to it,
here is my One Piece of Advice:
Watch this video!
(And if you already have written your book, danced your dance, sang your song and all the rest, you’ll still find this interview incredibly enlightening.)
Here it is: the interview featuring Liz Gilbert (bestselling author of Eat, Pray, Love).
Click on the picture below to take you to YouTube.
women & power & fear
I am LOVING this woman!
Elizabeth Gilbert, of Eat, Pray, Love fame
is much more than “just” an author.
Whether you love her
whether you don’t even know how she is,
listen to this:
Women, Creativity & Moving Past Fear
Blue Moon
Wanna feel like a million bucks?
I’ll never forget that moment I saw them after one of the trans-Atlantic flights I took.
The majority of us mortals had just endured 9 hours, 29 minutes, and 42 seconds
of flight time
in a magically shrinking plane seat,
plus an extra 5 hour and 44 minute stop-over lounging
in not-as-narrow-but-incredibly-hard-as-steel bench at the Brussels airport,
and boy, did we look the worse for wear afterwards.
Except for them, the couple ahead of me in line right now, as we were waiting to go through passport control.
I rather doubt the majority of us in that line we were feeling very human at that moment.
Rats in our hair,
stomping elephants in our mouths,
ants in our pants (OK, maybe not literally ants in our pants),
and body snatchers were invading our human bodies while standing in that very loooooong line,
waiting to get our passports stamped like good little sheep.
Darned passport control. Couldn’t we just be at our final destination already???
In the meantime, the couple ahead of me were looking, oh, so elegant.
And calm.
And beautiful.
And relaxed.
And, and, and I don’t know what, but whatever it was, man, I decided right there and then that someday
I was going to look like that, too, after gracefully alighting from a jet plane.
It would help if I traveled in business class. Which this couple obviously did.
And had a million bucks. Like this couple seemed to have.
But it wasn’t a question of money. No. It was much more than that.
It was the je ne sais quoi way this couple looked.
How they looked summed up everything about them and their glorious lifestyle. They looked happy. That’s what it was. Not only did they look elegant and classy and rich but they looked like happy people. Nice, too. Really nice.
And how did this happy, elegant, classy, and rich couple look?
Let’s start with the hand luggage.
Mine consisted of an incredibly un-stylish diaper bag (did I mention I was traveling with a baby and a toddler, both of diaper-bearing age?), and an oh-so-chic vinyl gray carry-on with someone’s dumb publicity emblazoned on it.
Theirs consisted of lovingly worn vintage leather handbags in just the right shade of camel and just the right shape and size for their exotic contents. (I didn’t see what they had inside but it was certainly a tad more interesting and exotic than the Pampers in my bag, I’ll bethca that.)
He was wearing a hat. (Yes, a hat on a plane! And no, it wasn’t a Cubs baseball cap.)
It was a Panama hat. The real kind. You know what kind I mean? Not the kind that you can pick up at Walmart for $9.99. The kind you actually travel to Panama to get. The kind of Panama hat that lasts a lifetime. The kind you can wear forever and ever, and never, ever gets frumpy. Ever.
And their clothes?
They were white!
No kidding.
(C’mon. Who wears white clothes on a plane? A plain white Tee, OK, maybe. I’ve dared to do that. But white from head to toe?)
OK, so it wasn’t really white. I’m exaggerating.
It was more the color of your great-grandma’s beloved pearl necklace. A shade of ivory. A shade of class.
And the fabric of these oh-so-white clothes?
It was NOT wash-and-wear-and-easy-care polyester.
Oh, no.
It was linen.
100% linen.
I can tell.
I can tell linen from a mile away. (Did I mention I went to fashion design school?)
“But linen wrinkles and looks like slept-in bed sheets after a short time!”, I can hear you gasp in horror.
Yes, my dear goddess, linen does do that.
That’s precisely why linen is so utterly beautiful and classy. It wrinkles. It wrinkles in style. Only linen can wrinkle like that and still be so heavenly gorgeous.
Maybe some people prefer wrinkle-free clothes. I can understand the convenience. Drive-in Taco Bell is also convenient.
But did you even know that polyester and many artificial fabrics are made of coal and petroleum and coal?
Do you enjoy wearing petroleum on your body?
(Not that I am a purist myself. My running shoes are made of petroleum, and are darn comfy, I may add. But I do try to avoid petroleum products as much as possible. I am not kidding.)
Back to the pearly white clothes.
Pants. They both wore pants. Both the man and the woman. I remember that.
The vision of this classy couple has been buried in my mind for so many years.
That must have taken place at least 18 summers ago!
No doubt the vision of that elegant couple had a big influence on me when I designed and made these linen pants.
I did’t even realize it until now, sitting here in the July heat, thinking back to many summers ago when I flew over the Atlantic with my diaper-clad infants to visit grandma and grandpa.
So my big question for today is:
How much would you pay to feel like a million dollars?
Wait. Change that.
The real question is:
How much would you pay to feel like a happy million dollars?
Would you spend $1,000,000 to feel like a million happy bucks?????
Did I hear you say no?
How about $500,000?
Still no?
Not sure? Maybe?
A measly $1000, perhaps?
Would you spend $1000 to feel happy and look like a million?
Still not sure?
What if you could feel classy, elegant, happy, and gorgeous?
For a mere $249??
Here they are.
The elegant, classy linen pants to make you happy.
Made especially for YOU.
With YOUR unique measurements.
For $249.
And until July 31st, you can get them for 25% off.
Don’t forget to use coupon code SUMMERGODDESS
Click on the photo below to shop!
Elegant, classy, versatile, AND comfy.
Choice of 3 colors.
Oatmeal. Black. Ivory.
(Decisions, decisions! Why not get one of each?!)
Perfect for spring + summer+ fall.
Perfect for traveling 1st class.
Grab them now for 25% off.
Use coupon code SUMMERGODDESS
Click here to shop!
PLEASE NOTE: This is made to order.
It will take about 2-3 weeks for me to make these especially for you!
I love to laugh. ha ha HA ha HA. Do you?
How often do you allow yourself to just have FUN?
To act silly, to giggle, to laugh until your belly hurts?
Pets and little kids can help out with this. And if you don’t have any little kids nor silly pets, nor crazy & wild girlfriends, then what do you do?
Many people complain that they never have time for anything and feel stressed.
Laughing is the answer! It is so healthy for you. First you smile with the widest smile you can then start with a fake laugh. before you know it, you really will be laughing! (This is more fun when you do it with others.)
It only takes a couple of minutes of smiling and laughter to start feeling good about yourself.
Go on, lovely goddess, LAUGH!!!!
(Who cares about wrinkles when you are busy laughing?!)
Love you <3
Ever jump for joy?
Hello my lovely goddess!
You know what?
Some of you reading this are my friends.
Some are my relatives. (Hi, mom!)
But some of you are just names on my contact list. I can only guess who you are. (You are goddess, that I know, but other than that, I don’t know anything about you. Except your email address.)
I’d like to get acquainted so here’s an invitation for you to send me a “Why hello there!”.
You can send me your photos, send me letters, random notes, hey, even poetry!
(Leave a comment below or write me at indre@hellomygoddess.com .)
I feel like I’ve got a monologue going here at my blog sometimes.
I wonder who you are, what bores you to tears, what you look like, or what your favorite flavor of ice cream is. (Artisan made dark chocolate with red hot chili peppers is my new fav BTW).
In the meantime, while I wait to hear from you, I took some photos of myself so you could see me better.
OK, I didn’t take the photos myself, as I actually had a professional photograph take them AND had a session of professional make-up.
Whoa, the make-up thing!
Have you ever had professional make-up done?
In my normal life, I am a nearly-no make-up sort of gal so this was a particularly special treat.
To have someone fuss over me so much while I relaxed in a chair with my eyes closed was even better than indulging in two scoops of my favorite ice cream. (Better for my hips anyway.) I told the make-up artist that I wanted a “no-make-up look” and she spent an entire 45 minutes to achieve that. That’s 90 times longer than I usually spend on my face before going out. (That’s 30 seconds for those who don’t want to do the math).
And the photographer? He’s a professional photographer, now semi-retired, who used to shoot for fashion magazines back in the ’80’s.
Did I mention how lucky I am?
No wonder I couldn’t keep myself from jumping up and down while my photos were being taken!!!
Nothing like feeling like a spontaneous, joyful 6-year-old!
Voilà, here I am, smiles and wrinkles, ripped stained jeans, and all.
Not a professional model but I’m sure having fun pretending to be one!
It’s only fair that I tell you a tiny bit about the clothes I choose to wear that day.
If you don’t my choices, I won’t be offended.
You don’t have to like everything I like.
I merely want to show how fun it is to tell your life story using clothes.
The top?
Another one of my personal favorites.
I designed it, made the pattern, and sewed it out of 100% linen.
I’ll make one for you, too! Just click HERE to see it in my etsy shop.
There’s also a red/black/beige version that looks beautiful on women with dark hair and/or dark skin.
Click here to see it.
The necklace?
I’ve nicknamed it the Cleopatra necklace but since I’ve promised to name my necklaces with goddess names, it can’t be Cleopatra. (Unless I cheat).
I wanted to choose the name Isis, the Egyptian goddess of magic and life., only that ISIS now is, unfortunately, associated with the name of an Islamic extremist terrorist group.
Isis is such a beautiful goddess name.
I decided to name her Hathor instead.
Click on the photo to see this necklace in my shop.
Question time!
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
What do your favorite pair of jeans look like?
Should I re-name the necklace Isis?
And if you don’t want to answer any of the questions, no problem.
If nothing else, please say HI!
Love, laughter, and joyful jumps,
P.S. My shoes? Just a old pair of converse sneakers to help me JUMP for joy. 🙂
May Day or Mayday? Musings on feeling confident
Hello my goddess!
How are you today?
As I can’t hear your answer. I hope you are answering that are all is happy and well 🙂
And me? I am feeling wonderful.
Why? (Do we really even need a reason to feel wonderful?)
The merry month of May is my most bestest dazzlingest favoriteist month of all time.
(Spellcheck is telling me that some of those words I used are misspelled. Hellooo, spellcheck: I don’t care what you say. Those words DO exist. They are superkalifragelistics entries in Indre’s Dictionary of Favorite Words.)
There’s something about May that I can’t get enough of.
May starts out with May 1st. (duh…)
Ah, what a day! I really hope you danced your little hearts out and weren’t feeling too many sore muscles after all the prancing around the maypole with flowers in your hair. (Say whaaaaat? No maypole dancing? Oh, so sorry to hear that. How sad. Well, OK, confession time: neither did I. Maybe we’ll have to organize such an event next year; flowing gowns, crowns of flowers, wee faeries, and mighty goddesses included. What do you say? Shall we??!)
May 1st is a double whammy day because not only are you expected to dance around a maypole, you are also expected NOT to work. (Good idea as working & prancing aren’t very good dance partners.)
May 1st is a worker’s holiday in all of Europe (the equivalent to Labor Day in the US).
Any day that celebrates no-work-and-all-play is a great day, huh?
Then there’s May 2nd.
That is a big holiday in Madrid, Spain. Dos de Mayo. I used to live in Madrid and would get a super big kick out of the fireworks I’d see in the sky on that particular evening. Spaniards are very late night party people. So when they were celebrating on the 2nd, the fireworks would actually go off AFTER midnight. Which means that, in reality, it was the 3rd of May (not the 2nd) when all that colorful Bang-Bang stuff would take place. And why did I get a kick out of that? The 3rd is my birthday (thanks, Mom!!!), so I would take that fireworks celebration very personally. I clearly remember that first year I was in Madrid (turning 22!), standing there watching the fireworks as everyone was ooohing and aahhhhing, and I said to myself, “How cool it that? Madrid is celebrating my birthday!”
May 4th. Yesterday. BEE-Yoo-Tea-Full spring day. What more can we ask for?
May 5th. Today! Cinco de Mayo. Holiday & partying in Mexico! Another colorful fiesta! Never been there for that. I love bright colors coupled with blue skies and warm weather. I think I am putting that on my bucket list right now. Mexico on the 5th of May. Who wants to join me?
Today is also the day I send you something special.
A little surprise for you……….
Here’s a teeny weeny video for you!
“Oh, who cares”, I hear you say….
Ok, I understand, it is rather a waste of time to watch homemade YouTube videos.
(But what a better way to procrastinate than to watch funny puppy videos!)
This is NOT a Kute Kat video, nor a Funny Puppy video.
It is just me.
(Spoiler alert).
Jut Saying Hi.
Click on the image of me waving to watch.
Here is the thing.
It was SCARY for me to do this.
(Think: jumping out of a low flying vehicle, being locked up in a roomful of scorpions, being stranded on an island with no wifi.)
Heck, I don’t even do selfie photos of myself. So a selfie video???? Huh?
But I did it precisely because it was scary.
Here is the thing. (Yeah, I already said that, I know).
It feels SO GOOD to do something that is initially scary.
It moves you, it elates you, it transforms you into a real goddess!
And, that, my dearest goddess, is what this is all about:
Self-confidence is important to feel like a wonderful dazzling fantastic (and self-confident) goddess.
Doing something challenging, going beyond your comfort zone, helps boost your self-confidence.
Do you feel like you need a shot of self-confidence?
If so, I challenge YOU, my dear goddess, to do something a wee bit challenging today. Yes, today.
(Or this week. That’s OK, too.)
It could be something as simple as telling the guy who oh-so-impolitely shoved his way in front of you at the line at the supermarket that hey, you were there first.
Or maybe it could be as complicated as telling your boss that you deserve a raise.
Or telling him/her that today was the last day at work. Ever. (*gulp*)
Whatever. Try it. Please do. It feels WONDERFUL! (Especially after it is all over and those sweaty palms no longer sweat.)
Tell me about your intent at trying to do something scary.
Write about it in the comments below.
(Yeah, I get it, leaving a comment here is a scary challenge, isn’t it?)
I read each and every one of your comments. I love, love, love to get your comments on my blog 🙂
Please share this letter with anyone you know who may need a boost of self-confidence.
Hi & bye! See you soon!
Indre the Happy Confident Goddess
Lost all hope? Never fear! Eos is here!
Hello my dear goddess,
I am hoping you are thoroughly enjoying the spring weather as much as I am!
What have you been up to recently?
I’ve been tinkering around in my jewelry studio and made 4 pairs of earrings and 3 statement necklaces recently.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
My heart sings making beautiful things!
So I really hope I don’t bore you out of your lovely goddess skull by showing you my stuff.
Today I’ll show you the first thing I made.
Something simple.
But not plain!
A simple pair of earrings.
All my jewelry pieces have a goddess name.
I believe that every woman is a goddess 😉
Don’t YOU think so?
Eos is the goddess of hope,
the goddess of the dawn,
the goddess of a new day.
Of all the goddesses to choose from,
why did I name these earrings after Eos, the goddess of hope?
The turquoise and Swarovsky crystals symbolize bright blue skies.
(And, why not, smooth sailing ahead, too!)
This is to remind ourselves that even if our day isn’t going exactly as we’d like,
perhaps it’s even downright miserable and grey,
there’s always hope that tomorrow will be better (patches of blue sky included).
Spring weather can be especially treacherous,
going from crystal clear blue skies to cloudy,
windy and stormy within hours, or even minutes.
Here in southern Spain,
our spring weather is usually
quite warm and sunny
but this year we’ve had
many cloudy and rainy days, too.
I must admit the clouds and rain can be pretty spectacular where I live.
See what I mean?
Next time you you are feeling all down and grey, just shout out,
“Hey, Eos, are you there?”
Shout again (louder!) if she doesn’t answer straight away,
“I need your help! Eeeeeeeeeooosssss!”
She’ll eventually answer (goddess are ageless and time has no relevance for them),
“Yes, I’m here. How may I help you?”
So it’s your turn to ask,
“Could you pretty please tell me where my day of hope is?
Gosh, I am feeling so lost…even a tad down today….”
And she’ll answer back,
“Just look inside yourself, my dear goddess, YOU are the ray of sunshine!”
(She sounds a bit like the good witch in Wizard of Oz, doesn’t she?)
Remember Eos’ kind words. They are the truth.
You ARE a perfect ray of sunshine.
(Wearing blue dangle earrings is optional.)
Please take a moment to share YOUR adventures with the spring weather.
Or about Eos.
Or whatever else is on your mind right now.
I am listening (OK, OK, reading, in this case).
Talk soon!
Are chocolate bunnies and the Virgin Mary related?
Hello my goddess!
Happy Easter!
(OK, I realize that Easter is over in just a couple of hours but I really wanted to take some photos this morning before sending this letter out to you!)
Did you celebrate Easter with baskets of painted eggs and chocolate Easter Bunnies?
I didn’t.
My Easter this year in Spain was sadly Chocolate Bunnyless.
Painted eggs? Not a single one in sight.
(Not that I don’t like chocolate. Nor do I have anything personal against bunnies. Nor eggs, for that matter.)
What did I do?
I walked up the big hill to the tiny pueblo to watch the Semana Santa* processions.
Thursday night at midnight there was a procession.
Friday morning at noon there was a procession.
Friday night at midnight there was a procession.
Nothing. Nada. No parades.
(Jesus finally got to take a day off from all this exhausting parading around. Must have been those labor unions. Finally allowing Jesus a day off! It was a rough night for him on Thursday, lugging that heavy cross for miles on end without stop. By Friday he was in great pain. Good thing he got that one day of rest in between. Maybe Jesus even got a chance to hang out at the beach like all the other young adults his age around here during Spring Break.)
Sunday. (Today!) Jesus was out there in the procession again at noon. This time he had finally risen from the dead and got to parade around standing up.
(Note to my American friends: When I use the word “parade”, you might have images of floats and beauty queens waving left and right.
These holy week processions have nothing to do with that.)
If you are confused, let’s back up and allow me to add some background info here.
Spain is traditionally a Catholic country.
The religious holidays (Easter, in this case) are serious stuff.
Statues of Jesus and the Virgin Mary are taken out of the church during Holy Week and paraded all around the tiny village streets for all to see. This is done all over Spain, not just in my crazy little town. You also have the option to watch the processions live on TV if you prefer not to venture beyond the living room sofa.
In our tiny town, you actually get to walk together with the entire procession, not just hang out on the sidelines like a lame bystander. Marching next to statues of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary while having processional music blasting in your ears is incredibly moving. The music is often quite somber and eerie. I never fail to get a huge lump in my throat every year while marching along with the statues and the musicians.
Right. So with all this parading around, I had an A-HA moment this week.
Aren’t the Virgin Mary and the great Mother goddess related?
(Have I gone bonkers? Perhaps…)
So here’s the theory:
The Virgin Mary is really just a transformation of the Great Earth Goddess.
I started thinking about the similarities between the Virgin Mary and the ancient Mother Goddess.
Statues of the The Great Earth Goddess were found about 24,000 – 22,000 BC.
(Did you just read that? Twenty four THOUSAND! That was not a typo.)
The great mother goddess was worshiped for years and years and years and years.
And years and years and years before that. (Can you even imagine 24,000 years? I certainly can’t.)
And one fine day in very recent history, Christianity comes along and tries to banish worship of the great earth goddess. Actually, Christianity was not able to stamp out the veneration of the great mother goddess. I’m supposing that the great ancient goddess morphed into the Virgin Mary.
Basically a classic case of “If you can’t beat them, join them.”
Don’t you think?
I’ve actually been to these procession many times over the course of about 10 years but only this morning did it occur to me that the MOTHER of Christ is truly important, alongside Jesus. The Virgin Mary is in every single procession along with Jesus. Yet isn’t Easter supposed to be all about Jesus and how he died for our sins? Jesus is definitely the protagonist here yet there is not a single Catholic church in the world (that I know of!) where the Virgin Mary isn’t displayed as prominently as her son. All this also got me to wondering, “What ever happened to the father of Christ?” The last time Joseph is seen, Jesus is 12 years old. Most people seem to agree that Joseph probably died sometime after that, even if there is not direct mention of his death. Funny how Joseph is almost non-existent beyond the Bethlehem scene during Christmas, whereas the Virgin Mary, the mother figure, is so prominent in Christian rites, traditions, and the arts. She is a secondary figure, yep, ’tis true, yet no one can deny her omnipresence. Doesn’t it only make sense that she would have morphed from the Great Earth Goddess of ancient times?
*Semana Santa literally means “Holy Week”. In other latitudes, it’s known as Easter or Spring Break
Here are the photos from this morning. Enjoy!
What did YOU do today? Eat too many bunnies? Do you think the Great Goddess and the Virgin Mary are related? What about chocolate bunnies and goddesses? Please share your bunny story in the comments below!
Chocolate Cake & the 2nd Day of Spring
Let’s share the sunlight, OK?

Hello my lovely goddess!
The sun is streaming through my window today
and I am reminded how grateful I am to be living in such a sunny warm place!
I realize that not all of you are so lucky, at least not as far as weather goes.
Never mind, spring will come to your part of the world (sooner or later…)
Even though the sun mostly shines in southern Spain,
life does have its moments of darkness around here.
I was quite abruptly reminded of the reason I choose “Hello My Goddess” as the name of my lifestyle brand.
Yesterday Mr. Ex Hubbie stopped by my studio unannounced.
He decided that last night was the moment to blame me for being distant to him.
And to blame me for treating him poorly.
And to blame me for taking advantage of him.
And to raise his voice.
And. And. And.
“Walk away!”, I hear you telling me. “Don’t listen to him!”
Easier said than done.
He was standing in the doorway. I was finishing up sewing a pair of linen trousers
for a woman in Oslo, Norway when Mr. Ex arrived.
(He did knock first before opening the door, I grant him that.)
He knows that I am alone while in the studio. He knows that my studio
has only one door and one tiny window. When he started to raise his voice
more than was comfortable for me, I grabbed the broom out of a corner
and started to sweep.
Trying to get rid of dirt?
Sweeping out the bad vibes?
hmmmmm, perhaps….
Why am I telling you this???
Because I want to tell you again and again and again
the reason why I choose the name Hello My Goddess.
I thought it awfully corny to choose the word “goddess”
when it came to me during an A-HA moment about 4 years ago.
Yet I couldn’t deny it. “Goddess” was the only word that so succinctly
summed up the two words WOMAN & POWER.
And I was in search of some badly needed power.
We women need to stand up for one another.
Support one another. Cheer each other on. Hold each other.
Hug each other. Yell out “Bravo!” at the top of our lungs when we succeed.
Give consoling words when when we are feeling down. Help each other.
Stand tall. Take sh** from nobody.
And show our power.
Our loving goddess power.
After Mr. Ex’s departure, I went up to my bedroom,
sat down on my favorite cushion, turned off the lights, and breathed.
After 10 minutes, my heart was not beating so rapidly. I was grateful it was over,
grateful to be divorced, grateful to be able to talk about this openly.
I am incredibly grateful that I learned a heck of a lot since 1980
when I first met and fell in love with this particular man.
Yet after all these years, he is still able to induce fear in me,
if only for a minute.
I just wanted to tell you something, no matter how awkwardly feminist and corny it sounds.
It doesn’t matter how tall you are, how short you are, how young, how old, how whatever.
You are beautiful and you are wonderful just the way you are.
The sun may or may not be shining right this very minute
in your geographical location, yet please remember that the sun is always in your heart and in your soul.
My goddess, remember that YOU are a goddess!
(I tell you this because I also need to remind myself, too.)
Changing topics, and onto much lighter things,
I wanted to let you know that I shall be re-vamping my
HelloMyGoddess lifestyle website during the next few months.
In the meantime, I’ve placed many of my creations into my etsy shop.
Please come and browse around my etsy HelloMyGoddess shop HERE.
While you are still on this page, please share your insights in the comment section below.
Do you feel trodden on by a boss, by a close family member, by a neighbor?
Vent it out!
(Remember you can keep your comment anonymous if that feels better for you).
How do you deal with the situation?
We are here to listen and support one another.
Love and (sun)light,
Pants that fit you – EVERY TIME
Let’s face it.
Skinny jeans look good on about 2.999% of the world’s population.
(My 19-year-old daughter being one of the chosen few).
What about the rest of us?
Those of us who do not belong to the 2.999%?
(OK, OK, I admit… many of us DO love AND look good in skinny jeans!)
Those of us who have the health of a 30-year-old and the wisdom of a 300-year-old;
what kind of pants make us look good???
We’re the ones who make decisions.
We’re the ones who have the power.
We are the ones who wear pants that that reflect our hopes, dreams, and wishes.
We are the ones who wear pants that that show our style.
“These are gorgeous pants made with great care and beautifully styled. I can’t wait to wear them. Thank you so very very much. I love the style and it’s not an easy one to find!”
We are the ones who wear pants that look good if we wear size LARGE.
We are the ones who wear pants that look good if we wear size SMALL.
We are the ones who wear pants that look good if we wear size XX-LARGE.
We are the ones who wear pants that look good if we wear size WHATEVER.
Here’s what the French ladies (oh là là!) have to say:
“Je suis ravie de cette première commande, quel plaisir d’avoir un vêtement sur mesure, parfaitement coupé ! Très grand talent et professionnalisme de la créatrice, qui par ailleurs est tout à fait adorable … Un grand merci et à très vite pour une prochaine commmande.”
(“I am delighted with this first order, what a pleasure to have a customized garment, perfectly cut! Great talent and professionalism of the designer, who also is quite lovely … A big thank you and see you soon for a future order.”)
“J’ai reçu le pantalon, il est parfait et me va très bien.”
(“I received the pants, they are perfect and fit me very well.”)
“Très beau pantalon, très belle qualité, fait sur mesure. La livraison a été rapide. Je recommande. Une expérience très positive! “
(“Very nice pants, very good quality, custom made. The delivery was fast. I recommend this. A very positive experience!”)
“Je suis satisfaite de ce pantalon, belle finition merci”
(“I’m happy with these pants, nicely finished. thank you”)
Go on, wear the pants. Make the decisions.
Believe in yourself, you lovely goddess.
Show the world your power with style!
Red-colored heart-shaped object. And it’s not even Valentine’s Day!
Recently, I was at my mom & dad’s house.
This may not seem like a big deal to you but it is a HUGE deal to me!
My parents live more than 4,400 miles
(that’s 7,000 km, my European friends) away from me.
So it’s not like I can just hop into my car and arrive at their doorstep on a whim.
Seeing as I hadn’t seen my dad in about 5 years (yeah, crazy, I know!) and my mom in over a year, I had decided to spend the entire month of December and the first week of January at my parents’ house in Chicago.
I even slept in the same bedroom I had when I was between the ages of 7 – 17!
What memories!
I started looking through the closet and drawers.
Imagine being able to look through your old dressers and closet!
While you are imagining, I’d like you to imagine something else.
Imagine the excitement of a little girl, rushing to the living room
on December 25th at 6 a.m.,
and discovering a mountain
of colorfully wrapped boxes
under the Christmas tree.
That’s exactly how I felt when I opened the dresser drawers.
Where my old stuff used to be.
What I discovered instead were piles of beads and semi-precious stones.
My mom’s stash of beads.
And she said I could keep them!
Oh, the joy!
There was a problem.
Keep in mind that after the holidays, I had to fly back to Spain.
Leaving behind cold and dreary Chicago weather and exchanging it for sunny and warm Spain.
No problem there!
So what was the problem?
The dilemma was that I was only allowed 50 lbs. (23 kilos) in my suitcase.
Which meant that I had to decide judiciously what I was going to take with me, and what I was to leave behind.
Decisions, decisions!
what a FUN decision!
I made up my mind to take the pile of coral.
(I also decided to take the pile of turquoise but that is another story. Oh, and the silver. You can bet I didn’t leave behind the sterling silver.)
So here it was, sitting on my studio desk back in Spain.
A bright bunch of coral.
And red.
Grab a closer look.
So I pulled out my jewelry making tray.
And started to play!
Hmmm, what goes with coral?
Turquoise goes with coral!
And what goes with coral and turquoise?
Why, amber and sterling silver do!
I played and played.
And here’s what I came up with.
It’s sitting on my studio desk right now.
So here it is.
The “rough draft” of my coral + turquoise + amber + sterling silver necklace.
“Still not finished?”, you ask.
Still not finished.
Ran out of jewelry stringing supplies. Bummer. Whatever.
Had to order more supplies.
Still waiting, semi-patiently, for the order to arrive….
You want to see it when it’s done?
What do you think?
Should I re-arrange the beads?
Take out something?
Add something?
Do you ever wear statement necklaces? Yes? No?
LET ME know!
Write your opinion & ideas (heck, or just say HI if you can’t think of anything) in the comment section below!
thanks <3
Do nothing. Don’t watch this.
Female Empowerment (and more!) eloquently described by Khadija Gbla:
Diary of my Christmas day in Chicago 2014
Here’s my photo diary from today, the 25th of December.
I was particularly looking forward to this as I hadn’t spent Christmas
with my mom and dad and my uncle since 1991!

Southern Spain. A Farmer’s Market. A Fairy Tale.
The last Saturday of every month I take a trip.
The road twists and turns through the country side.
The horizon is open and wide.
Expansive sky above,
mountains in the distance,
almond trees on my right,
olive trees on my left,
and an occasional canyon gorge gaping below.
I reach a minuscule intersection.
“Cariatiz”, the tiny sign reads.
I turn right.
When I reach the end of the end of a dirt road,
I know I have arrived.
No other word fits.
My mother calls it a fairy tale.
Welcome to
the farmer’s market
Cariatiz, southern Spain.
And here’s someone ready to eat one of the organically grown mandarins.
Love how her sweater matches the lemons on the table behind her. 🙂
After buying some yummy, beautiful veggies, I go for a stroll.
Here are some wonderful details that catch my eye
while walking around the old farmhouse property:
You may not know this, but old farmhouses are FREEEEEZING in the winter,
even if it is southern Spain!
It may be 75ºF or more (above 20ºC) outside
but indoors it is closer to 50ªF ( 10º C) during December – March.
I am NOT kidding!
So how do we keep warm?
A big chimney and a good roaring fire is the answer.
The photo below shows stacks of olive wood, the firewood of choice around here.
Let’s venture indoors now.
Half of the old farmhouse has been converted into an art gallery.
Come with me and I’ll give you a tour.
Today’s exhibit shows work by Pedro Soler,
an artist who was born in the neighboring town of Sorbas.
This is a hat.
Don’t confuse it with a painting!
As an admirer of artisan made things, this is a fine example of a hand woven farmer’s hat,
made back in the days when big box stores didn’t exist.
I love how it decorates the wall in the staircase.
Cozy corners abound.
Ok, now that we’ve seen the paintings, it’s time to get back to the market area and see what’s up.
Oh, it’s music and dance time!
This little cutie was dancing up a storm during the show. 🙂
A million thanks to Frederique and Thomas, the owners of the farmhouse/gallery,
who organize such an awesome market every month.
It’s lunch time and I am starving.
Time to go home!
Fortunately, I bought some locally produced olive oil today at the market.
And home made cured olives!
And the bread, ahhhhhh, the bread!!!!!!
Made with sourdough starter, organic sbelt wheat flour,
and baked in a fire burning clay oven,
I have no words to describe the taste.
Too bad I can’t invite you for a slice….
I guess the best you can do is look at the picture and salivate.
¡Qué aproveche!
(That’s how the Spanish say “bon apetit”.)
Did you enjoy the market with me?
Yes or no?
TELL me in the comments below!
To market, to market
To market, to market to buy a penny bun,
Home again, home again, market is done.
–English nursery rhyme from 1805
This is where I shop for my yummy organic fruit and veggies
at a small town market in southern Spain.
Here’s the organic veggie lady showing off all the wonderful food she grows 🙂
Fall. It’s grape season!!!
Legumes in bulk.
Spices in bulk.
Can you even begin to imagine the mix of smells here?
Cumin and cinnamon and
paprika and ginger and
nutmeg and mustard and ……
Herbs to cure any ailment: diabetes, insomnia, cholesterol, obesity, constipation…..
Why don’t they have herbs to cure anger, jealousy, and hatred?
My Dark Soul
These are highly personal pieces that I RARELY show to others.
These necklaces were made during a time of my life when I was both incredibly happy yet, inexplicably, also struggling with deep personal issues. I was in the midst of questioning society and its rigid rules; my disenchantment with the consumer culture; and the true meaning of money; all while trying to express myself as a female artisan living in the 21st century.
While questioning the meanings of “worthiness”,”value”, and “price”, I purposely chose to work with the following “worthless” bits and pieces that I found:
- in nature (common pebbles, plant bits, twigs)
- around the house (man-made things such as clothes pin parts, broken furniture bits, beads & bits from old broken jewelry, snaps from old clothes, old shoe polish, old tins of paint).
I also added a few things I bought (although spent next-to-nothing on): cotton string and cords of woven leather hand-made in Africa.
I assembled these necklaces while words such as “angels”, “goddesses”, “female consciousness”, “anima” were floating around my head.
I had decided to use a gray/silver/black palette so as to suggest oxidized sterling silver (which is far more “valuable” than the worth of my chosen materials).
At the time, I was also working on very brightly colored, more “commercially viable” necklaces, made with “valuable” semi-precious stones. Placed side by side, these dark pieces definitely looked like they had been created by a completely different artisan.
So there I had it: the “valuable” necklaces and the “worthless” necklaces. But the question remained if some of them were more important than others.
I still have no answer.
Perhaps I created the sombre dark souls of my brightly dressed sisters?
If you are an artisan/writer/designer, have you ever made two completely different pieces of your art in the same year?
I’d be interested to know! Please share in the comment section below!