Hello my dear goddess,
I am hoping you are thoroughly enjoying the spring weather as much as I am!
What have you been up to recently?
I’ve been tinkering around in my jewelry studio and made 4 pairs of earrings and 3 statement necklaces recently.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
My heart sings making beautiful things!
So I really hope I don’t bore you out of your lovely goddess skull by showing you my stuff.
Today I’ll show you the first thing I made.
Something simple.
But not plain!
A simple pair of earrings.

All my jewelry pieces have a goddess name.
I believe that every woman is a goddess 😉
Don’t YOU think so?
Eos is the goddess of hope,
the goddess of the dawn,
the goddess of a new day.
Of all the goddesses to choose from,
why did I name these earrings after Eos, the goddess of hope?
The turquoise and Swarovsky crystals symbolize bright blue skies.
(And, why not, smooth sailing ahead, too!)
This is to remind ourselves that even if our day isn’t going exactly as we’d like,
perhaps it’s even downright miserable and grey,
there’s always hope that tomorrow will be better (patches of blue sky included).
Spring weather can be especially treacherous,
going from crystal clear blue skies to cloudy,
windy and stormy within hours, or even minutes.
Here in southern Spain,
our spring weather is usually
quite warm and sunny
but this year we’ve had
many cloudy and rainy days, too.
I must admit the clouds and rain can be pretty spectacular where I live.
See what I mean?

Next time you you are feeling all down and grey, just shout out,
“Hey, Eos, are you there?”
Shout again (louder!) if she doesn’t answer straight away,
“I need your help! Eeeeeeeeeooosssss!”
She’ll eventually answer (goddess are ageless and time has no relevance for them),
“Yes, I’m here. How may I help you?”
So it’s your turn to ask,
“Could you pretty please tell me where my day of hope is?
Gosh, I am feeling so lost…even a tad down today….”
And she’ll answer back,
“Just look inside yourself, my dear goddess, YOU are the ray of sunshine!”
(She sounds a bit like the good witch in Wizard of Oz, doesn’t she?)
Remember Eos’ kind words. They are the truth.
You ARE a perfect ray of sunshine.
(Wearing blue dangle earrings is optional.)
Please take a moment to share YOUR adventures with the spring weather.
Or about Eos.
Or whatever else is on your mind right now.
I am listening (OK, OK, reading, in this case).
Talk soon!